Ramblings of a troubled mind

When was the last time you were happy? In the first place, what is happiness? Well, that is a stupid question. Let’s assume that we did arrive at an answer. After a hypothetical survey of half the world, the answer comes out to be “Watching sitcoms”. If that were the case, everyone will start watching sitcoms all day long. Duh! Who will make sitcoms then?

That being the case, we realize that there is not a single answer to that question. Back in the good ol days of kings and queens, what did they have? The king got nice meals, opulent palace and some other perks. But then, they didn’t have an TV or an air-conditioner back then. Now, we want a whole lot of things. We want the iPhone(x) where x is an exponential function of time. We want the car that can clock 100 mph. Phew! The list is quite endless. If a genie were to ask you what is the one thing you want, I bet it’ll take an eternity to decide on something.

Suppose you won a lottery, you will buy all the things you wished for and gain momentary happiness; but you will get back to your previous state in no time. Nothing solves your thirst unless you keep finding better ways to keep yourself happy. Trust me, one must work really hard to keep themselves happy all the time.